Sad Pit Bull Tucked Herself Near Someone’s Porch Hoping To Get A Meal And He Doesn’t Understand Why No One Cares

This is the story of Lakita, a pit bull who spent most of her life in pain. A woman discovered her near her porch and summoned rescuers.

When the rescuers saw her, they were completely taken aback because she was withdrawn and skinny. Tracy, one of the rescuers, and her team were able to communicate to Lakita that they wanted to assist her. She also realized that someone genuinely cared about her.


Tracy intended to take her to animal control for a medical evaluation, but this did not occur. So she took her home for a week, and Lakita transformed dramatically.



Tracy intended to take her to animal control for a medical evaluation, but this did not occur. So she took her home for a week, and Lakita transformed dramatically.


She gained weight quickly by eating small meals frequently throughout the day. Her fur began to shine, and she wanted to play; in fact, she felt happy and safe.


Lakita needed a forever home, so they took cute Christmas pictures of her and posted them online. The photos went viral, and she was adopted by Ashtyn and Sebastian, a cute couple with three children. Fortunately, she will never experience pain with her new owners.


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