German Shepherd Police Dog that has retired is shown grieving when he is reunited with his handler.

Wangwang hurried to meet her when she heard her manager’s voice. In a heartbreaking video provided by police, a loyal dog howls and refuses to let go.

In an unexpected meeting with his former manager, retired police dog “shepherd” is experiencing an emotional moment.

In Xichuan county, Henan province, central China, Wangwang, an 8-year-old German Shepherd, serves as a dog sniffer at security checkpoints.

She obtained a permanent home in which to live out the rest of her days after retiring in June 2019. However, it means she will lose her handler.

Wangwang was admitted into a new residence after retiring, but doing so required bidding her boss farewell.

Explained Xichuan police, “Our officers cannot spend time playing or exercising with retired dogs, although police dogs are typically well fed at the training center.

The police handler made a surprise visit last month.

while on patrol in the area close to Wangwang’s home with a fluffy companion.

A new video uploaded by Xichuan Police to their Douyin account, China’s equivalent of TikTok, shows the officer contacting Wangwang from outside her house.

Both of them found the reunion to be extremely emotional, but Wangwang was unable to control her emotions when she saw the man she had loved so dearly. The retiring dog is shown joyfully running to his manager in charming video posted by Xichuan Police on Douyin, China’s equivalent of TikTok.

Then the sobbing started!

When Wangwang was standing next to the policeman, she sobbed and rubbed her feet.

The devoted dog wouldn’t let them leave and sat right close to the handler when the patrol squad got back into their police car.

“Wangwang’s hair has become white, yet she eats healthily and continues to gain weight,” the message states.

The lovely dog’s heartfelt reunion captured the attention of viewers.

“The puppy is becoming better and better,” one user wrote. Dogs are incredibly devoted pets; be kind to her.

People online were moved by the heartwarming reunion. One user said, “Treat her well, dogs are really devoted companions.”

You can tell how much Wangwang misses her handler, according to one commenter. You can comprehend the dog’s gurgles.

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