Dog Who Lost Everything Clings To His Teddy Bear At The Shelter

Ellie, a one-year-old puppy, clung to the last thing left in the world after being abandoned at a shelter: a large teddy bear. Ellie, a Blue Lacy dog, once resided with a household not far from Dallas, Texas (United States). However, she was sent to a nearby shelter in June.

According to independent rescuer Jennifer Jessup,

After taking the bother to acquire her all the necessary vaccinations, a spay, and a microchip, “they just left her off at the closest shelter after keeping her for months.” In essence, she lost all she had ever known and, at the age of 1, found herself in a chaotic, frightening environment where people make sacrifices to make more room.

Ellie spent much of her time cuddled up close to the teddy bear that her former family had left with her since the shelter was a terrible place for her.

Jenna stated:

She was clinging to him because she was so terrified. It was her sole possession.


Fortunately, Ellie didn’t stay in the shelter for very long. Florida-based Jennifer’s brother had been trying to adopt a dog and had contacted his sister for assistance in finding a rescue. Jennifer started looking online, and with the assistance of TAGG Rescue, she found Ellie in the Texas shelter.

Jenna stated:

“I called a buddy I have in Texas, and he responded, “Sure, I’ll go fetch her.” He then transported her with her teddy bear from the shelter to the housing facility, where she received a wash, all the necessary paperwork was completed, and she had through a thorough screening “.

Ellie spent one night in a temporary foster home before being sent to Florida. Once she got inside a house, the pup’s condition improved a little bit, but she continued to cling to her teddy bear.

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