As we faced challenges in life, we would go to prayer and beg God for guidance. The same manner that these dogs’ prayers are answered, so are ours.
Father Joo Paulo Araujo Gomes initiated an initiative at the Paróquia de Sant’Ana Gravatá church to introduce homeless and abandoned puppies every Sunday during mass.
For those canines in need of affection and care, the church’s doors are open. Regardless matter whether you believe in God or the goodness of people, this place has improved.
Father Joo made sure that they were positioned in the middle where everyone could see them because he wanted the churchgoers to notice these canines.
“This house is of God, and they are of God, therefore they will always be able to enter, sleep, eat, drink their water, and find shelter and protection.” Dad posted on Facebook.
Father Joo additionally promotes dog adoption in the neighborhood. He is incredibly motivating and encourages people to think that the world is still improving.
His deed helps these canines find permanent homes. He has good lads of his own as well.
“I provided critical medical assistance to several sick canines. Some of them were later adopted after I brought them to the parish home. Three of them remained at my side. They currently reside in my bed and are my offspring, according to Father Joo.
Father Joo’s emotional service went undetected despite the fact that this is one of many stories about dogs finding shelter in churches. He gained notoriety and became an example to people unable to speak up for themselves.
Father Joo’s emotional service went undetected despite the fact that this is one of many stories about dogs finding shelter in churches. He gained notoriety and became an example to people unable to speak up for themselves.
Check out the touching video below: