Dog abandoned on the road with a letter and a bag of diapers

Owners should be aware that leaving a special needs dog unattended does not make the act any less cruel by attaching a message to the animal.

The name of the dog was Lunita, and she was a medium-sized, crippled canine who had been abandoned by her owner in May 2014 and could be spotted on the streets of Salta, Argentina, without food or water.

Lunita was found face down on the sidewalk with her rear legs fastened to a rickety wheelchair when a dog-grooming employee came across her. There was a note nearby with Lunita’s name, age, and information about how her owner was no longer able to care for her.

When the employee saw how much assistance this dog need, she got in touch with LUBA Salta, a dog rescue organization.

Volunteers from the organization arrived and picked up the sad puppy, taking her to their shelter where she was placed in a foster home. The shelter then decided to post the dog’s tale on social media in the hopes that someone would be kind enough to want to adopt her.

But as time went on and nothing changed, a fundraising campaign was started to help cover Lunita’s travel costs to the United States after a family there expressed interest in taking her in.

Unfortunately, the unfortunate dog’s situation did not improve when she joined the new family, who had the knowledge necessary to provide for her special needs.

Lunita contracted a staphylococcal infection while staying with the family as a result of a mite-infested bed.

The latest tragedy made Lunita’s situation worse; her breathing was growing worse every day, and a new family came forward to take care of her.

Lunita suffered from infections, scabies, and urine scalding that caused her to lose all of her hair from the waist down, including the tail.

Due to a severe urinary tract infection that severely impacted her skin and the fact that the poor dog weighed just 35 pounds, she used to cry whenever a caregiver attempted to wipe her bottom and private region.

The poor dog had to undergo a protracted and difficult medical procedure before she was healed.

On June 15, 2018, Lunita was 11 years old, and that was one of the happiest days of her life. Seeing her family, friends, and numerous other dogs come to celebrate with her warmed our little dog’s heart.

Soon after that joyful day, Lunita’s condition deteriorated once more, necessitating her admission to the intensive care unit, where she once more fought for her life.

Her condition was deteriorating, and the dog’s tongue was turning blue whenever the oxygen was removed.

Heartbroken Lunita’s family decided it was time for her to go to peace, and she spent her final moments with those she loved.

Lunita’s mother wrote on Facebook, “I will never forget her and how much she meant to me.

“She permanently altered my life. I had a deep love for her.


Thank you to the Lunitas family for ensuring that she had a joyful and loving final year on earth.

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