Chihuahua Freddie has spent the last nine years imprisoned in a tiny metal cage. He spent his whole existence in a cage intended to be used for breeding, and he seldom ever ventured out. The little guy never experienced life with a family. Before his owner decided to get rid of him because he was too old to breed, he bred hundreds of puppies every year without knowing it.
Freddie and 34 other puppies were saved from a puppy mill in the Midwest by National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR). The Midwest is home to several of America’s most well-known large-scale breeding enterprises.
Freddie was initially quite timid, like the majority of dogs rescued from puppy mills, but it didn’t take long for his rescuers to start giving him hugs and kisses.
NMDR’s creator, Theresa Strader, stated to The Dodo:
“Dogs who live in cages suffer greatly, both physically and psychologically. Even though Freddie has a strong spirit, many of our dogs need significant rehabilitation before they are ready to join families. He is a courageous man.
Theresa gave Freddie his first bed, and Freddie’s radiant personality shined through in a unique manner. For many rescue dogs, this was a momentous occasion that signaled the start of many more “firsts.”
It’s bittersweet, particularly for senior dogs like Freddie who have spent their whole lives trapped in puppy factories while their puppies are being sold.
Theresa remarked:
Realizing that kids have not received the necessities up until this point is terrible.
Theresa set the bed down when she first went inside Freddie’s kennel at the animal shelter, and the dog just stared at her. She was moving while keeping her tail between her legs. Freddie sprang up and snuggled onto the bed as soon as he was placed on it.